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Although I knew about Pride and Prejudice inspired fiction, I hadn’t really bothered with it until the publication of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. That opened my eyes to the wonderful world of Pride and Prejudice inspired fiction. There are hundreds of books out there. Honestly. Last time I counted, there was over 300 books.
This eventually inspired me to start writing my own stories set in the world of Pride and Prejudice. Please take a look at https://annewrightwell.co.uk/books-by-anne-wrightwell/
I enjoy reading fiction set in the world of Pride and Prejudice. This is known by various names: “Jane Austen Fan Fiction” or ” Austenesque”. I prefer to use the term ‘Pride and Prejudice inspired fiction’ for those stories about Pride and Prejudice characters.
I’ve no problem with the frequently used term “Austenesque”. It’s just to me that implies all works inspired by Jane Austen’s novels. I may eventually get around to writing a review of a novel or story inspired by another of Jane Austen’s classic novels but there’s so many Pride and Prejudice inspired stories out there that it may take me a long time.
I also don’t have a problem with the term “Jane Austen Fan Fiction” but l think it has the same problem as “Austenesque. Plus, for me, it implies that it’s fan fiction so it’s free. And believe me, there are a huge number of Pride and Prejudice inspired books to buy in bookshops or on online. Type in “Pride and Prejudice variations” on Amazon for example, and you’ll be amazed by the number that comes up.
That’s not to say that I don’t like works inspired by other Jane Austen novels but Pride and Prejudice is my favourite.
As I particularly enjoy fantasy, mystery, paranormal or supernatural Pride and Prejudice fiction, I ‘ll be concentrating on what I call Pride and Prejudice inspired genre fiction. That’s not to say that I don’t like works inspired by other Jane Austen novels but Pride and Prejudice is my favourite.
If you want to take a look at my reviews of Austenesque fiction (or Pride and Prejudice inspired fiction), please visit https://www.annewrightwell.co.uk/blog